Trouble for the MLS, XFL?

Mar 18, 2020

Rohan Dang


For these smaller or younger leagues, ticket/game revenue is vital for success. These leagues will not be able to weather the sudden loss of this revenue as smoothly as the NBA or NCAA. While I wouldn’t expect either league to fold, it will be interesting to note if these financial hardships force an adjustment when sporting resumes.

The XFL especially, who was in the midst of a relatively successful reboot season, will feel the pain. Through no fault of their own, they will surely miss their financial benchmarks for this first season. However, there could be a silver lining for the XFL. This forced hiatus gives them a unique opportunity to asses the product they have initially rolled out without the direct pressure of financial or expectational failure, given the Coronavirus situation.

If the XFL can bring itself past this slow financial start, it has a rare opportunity to mold its product essentially mid-season. The key question is whether they have the resources to power through this slow start.


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